Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A weekend in Sevilla

Had a great weekend in Sevilla a couple of weeks ago. My first visit to this beautiful city, but I am sure it will not be my last.

Spent Saturday doing the tourist thing, sightseeing and window shopping and of course most importantly sitting in the pavement cafe's having a coffee and tapas, watching the world go by.

Met up with a friend early evening down by the River and had a couple of hours fishing, 'til the sun went down.

Back to the hotel to shower and clean up and then back out on the town for dinner and a few drinks.

Sunday was spent fishing again, this time out in the countryside just north of Sevilla. A beautiful, quiet spot, where we stayed all afternoon. I am not a great fisherman, but it is an incredible form of relaxation and enjoyment.

The weekend has gone before you know it, so will plan to stay a bit longer next time.

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